# Calentado

Serve with rice, an overeasy egg, and fried plantains

# Hogao Ingredients

  • cup scallions
  • cup white onion
  • 1 cup of tomato
  • tsp paprika
  • tsp turmeric
  • tsp cumin

# Hogao Directions

  1. Finely chop all veggies
  2. Sauté scallion and onion in some ghee
  3. Add salt to taste
  4. After onion is translucid, add tomato and spices
  5. Add pepper to taste and cook for at least 5 minutes

# Colombian Beans Ingredients

  • 2 cups red beans
  • 1 Tbsp vinegar (any type)
  • Water or broth
  • 1 whole carrot

# Colombian Beans Directions

  1. Soak red beans with vinegar at least overnight.
  2. Next day rinse beans and transfer into a pressure cooker or Instantpot with 1cm of water or broth above bean level.
  3. Cook for 10 minutes and then add the carrot.
  4. Cook until the carrot is tender and add the Hogao.
  5. Add the carrot into a blender with some liquid from the beans and cup of cooked beans.
  6. Add that mixture back to the beans to add consistency.